17th May 2020, Kathmandu
First CSRI Annual General Meeting Conducted Through Videoconference, Prof. Dr. Subarna Shakya is the New President of CSRI Nepal.
Center for Cyber Security Research and Innovation Nepal (CSRI) focuses on delivering innovative solutions by addressing real-world cybersecurity issues. Since its beginning back in 2018, CSRI has been actively involved in raising cybersecurity awareness.
Prof. Dr. Subarna Shakya Is a Newly Elected President Of CSRI
Prof. Dr. Subarna Shakya has been elected as a new President of CSRI Nepal
सेन्टर फर साइबर सेक्युरिटी रिसर्च एण्ड इनोभेसनमा डा. सुवर्ण शाक्य नेतृत्वको नयाँ कार्यसमिती
‘सेन्टर फर साइबर सेक्युरिटी रिसर्च एण्ड इनोभेसन’ को अध्यक्षमा प्राडा शाक्य
साइबर सुरक्षा अनुसन्धान तथा नवप्रवर्तन केन्द्रको अध्यक्षमा प्रा. डा. शाक्य
‘सेन्टर फर साइबर सेक्युरिटी रिसर्च एण्ड इनोभेसन’ को अध्यक्षमा प्रा.डा.शाक्य